On the Road to Washington

All the pictures of her that I’ve seen show someone in their early twenties, or so it seems to me. It may actually be how she looks today in reality that will be quite telling. Juanita Brodderick has aged since she was attacked by Bill Clinton in the 1970s which may make the association with her rape accusation seem less plausible than it actually is. In the vid, however, there Christine is, a bit aged and befuddled, perhaps the consequences of her alcoholic past and who knows what else given her California home.

The woman is also supposed to be an adult, a similar age to someone old enough to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. Maturity, however, does not appear to be one of her strengths.

There is then, of course, Kavanaugh’s calendar, discussed here. This is August, 1982.

kavanaugh kalendar

Every movie and party he went to, but no beach house and no Christine.

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