“With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand”

If even half of what you hear about leading Democrats is true, they are madder beyond belief. The picture is from an article on Podesta Spirit Cooking Emails Reveal Clinton’s Inner Circle as Sex Cult with Connections to Human Trafficking.

Clinton’s inner circle includes child traffickers, pedophiles, and now members of a “sex cult,” the recent Podesta emails from Wikileaks reveals.

An email to John Podesta reads, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

During their sex cult practice, Spirit Cooking includes chanting,

With a sharp

knife cut deeply into the

middle finger of your

left hand

eat the pain.

You really would absolutely prefer none of this to be true, which is what may be the very thing that protects them since normal people would find this beyond belief. Even when you read it, and the source, you still won’t bring it into the conversation because even a suspicion that it’s true would end all trust in our institutional structures.

MORE ADDED ON APRIL 23, 2018: The video below is taken from here where there is much else.

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